Trek to Joy

Category: Negativity

Finding Joy Amongst Negativity

So I go out into the world and most of the time everyone is happy, helpful and nice. But some days I find everyone to be rude, disrespectful and down right mean. So yesterday I got a little bit of both, I found some people to be kind and helpful and others to be rude…

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Positive or Negative Thinking

How can you find joy when you are consumed with negative images and negative thoughts? Negativity can take over if we let it. Some days are worse than others. Some days we suffer every minute and it is painful. When does it stop, when will it stop, how do you stop it? These are the…

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Finding the Positive in the Negative

Fourteen years ago I woke up to go to work and turned on the TV to a horrific scene. At first I thought why are they showing a movie in the morning during news time. It looks like a “Die Hard” movie. Then I realized this was real. The rest of the day I watched in…

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